91 Points! We just received a fantasitc review by Morten Bundgaard from Jyllands-Posten, one of the most famous Danish newspapers. Both or our 0,0% products (Hidcote Blue & Rosa Rugosa) received 91 out of 100 points, rating as "Outstanding". 29 products were in this test and only one alcohol free wine received a better grade then us. With this ranking we were reviewed as the best wine proxy, which makes us very happy. Included the description of our products. Thanks to Morten and Jyllands-Posten to promote the alcohol-free category!
"Hidcote Blue: Exciting kombucha with a fine aromatic flavour of summer in Provence. Full of lavender flower, ginger, crushed apple and citrus notes. Animating drink with good freshness, mild acidity and creamy mousse. Floral harmonies, good depth and a fine sweetness in the neat finish.
Rosa Rugosa: Exciting organic kombucha, a fermented tea created by allowing various bacterial and yeast cultures to convert added sugars in the tea into alcohol, organic acids and various nutrients that give the drink a sparkling texture and flavour. After fermentation, the alcohol is converted into acids by bacterial cultures. Pleasantly fresh, fragrant nose with some complexity and flavours of mandarin peel, citrus, white tea, strawberry porridge and an elegant floral note that comes from the added rosehip rose. The flavour is smooth and creamy with a fine mousse, not quite as complex as the nose, but there is a refreshing acidity and the drink finishes with a broadly appealing sweetness that rhymes with strawberry, citrus and rosehip in the"
For details please check out https://jyllands-posten.dk/livsstil/madvin/ECE17247068/livet-som-vinelsker-paa-vandvognen-er-blevet-langt-sjovere-og-mere-smagfuldt